Monday, May 14, 2007

Has MLK's Dream Been Realized? - Education

Minority groups such as African Americans have taken great steps in some areas of education such as the overall enrollment rate from ages 3-34. Whites, blacks, and hispanics all have similar numbers in this area. All three races have about a 50% overall enrollment rate, and numbers in specific age groups are also relatively similar.

Some areas in which the race gap is large include college graduates. Statistics show that although the overall graduation rate has greatly improved since 1960, blacks and hispanics still only graduate at about half the rate of whites. Another area in which there is this gap is earnings. On average, men make about 40% more than women. Also, blacks and hispanics with the same degrees as whites make significantly less money. Statistics also show that hispanic children ages 3-5 develop significantly slower than their white and black counterparts.

I suggest that programs be instituted to encourage minority children to attend and work harder at school. Everything starts in the childhood, and if a child develops a work ethic in school early, it will carry with him as he grows. Also, minority people looking for jobs could and should compare their salaries with whites of the same qualifications and experience. They should ask their employers to look at these gaps, and determine why they are there.

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